I was sitting around one day thinking about grumpy locals you see near the ocean. Every surf spot has at least one. The guy who just can't be happy even though they live near the ocean and surf all the time. They always seem to be swearing and wearing a frown. Hating on anyone that would dare smile and have fun with the same thing they do. It got me thinking...do the animals of the ocean act this way too? I doubt it, but wouldn't it be funny. So I thought of the loudest most obnoxious sea creatures I could in the local waters here. The kind that are always making some kinda fuss. And that's what follows...The real locals. Prints will be coming up if anyone is interested.
The stinging jelly. |
The squawking gull. |
The barking sea lion. |
These are SWEET Renick!! I love the gull especially... I could see it hanging in a NYC gallery and bought by some savvy art patron for boo-ku bucks. Keep it up!
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